
Dragon-eel VRChat Avatar

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Dragon-eel VRChat Avatar


Big shiny dragon-eel creature avatar for vrchat!

This is the first avatar I've made to be released into the wild. It was a big learning process and there is still a lot of room for improvement.
Full body tracking works, but not very well, your body tracker position will not completely match the corresponding body parts on the avatar. Overall this creature deviates a bit from the ideal proportions for a vrchat avatar to work perfectly.

Good rating in vrchat
Comes with visemes and expression blendshapes.
Color changing option for translucent parts. You can change the color in the radial menu within vrchat.
Body and tail size radial menus.
Body shininess radial
Tail puppet
Physbones in tail, fins, and horns/tentacles

Unity package, and blender file.
Substance painted file provided by MagicDed who made it from scratch, as I didn't have one (I did all the colour work in blender and photoshop originally). The colour patterning in the substance painter file differs somewhat from the versions provided in the blender and unity files.

You will need to import Poiyomi Toon into the unity project if you wish to make any changes to the materials -
Poiyomi Toon shader - https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader

Please make yourself familiar with how to set up/upload avatars to vrchat, I am not here to guide you through that.

Terms of service
By purchasing this you are agreeing to the terms below. Please make sure you read through them carefully.

You may -
Make edits to this avatar for personal use
Sell edited versions of this avatar if both you and the client have purchased this base version first
Create art with or of this avatar or make personal characters using this species
Use this avatar for vrchat, neos, or any game you wish to import it into
Make videos or stream with it

You may not -
Claim credit for this avatar or creature design
Use this avatar for commercial purposes
Redistribute or resell this avatar or any components of it

This is the initial version, and there may be updates to it in the future!

Credit to Morghus and MagicDed for help and optimisation for this. You can see their work here -

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